Following the Beast

It’s chilly this morning! Outside temperature showing 38 degree fahrenheit (3 celsius) at 8am. This is the coldest temperature we’ve been in since leaving Michigan, but nothing compared to what our friends in the midwest are experiencing this week.

Yesterday, after her morning yoga class, Donna worked all day at her laptop. We’ve been connecting through our Verizon Jetpack. The Sun Life RV Resort has free wifi available, but the connection is spotty. It probably shouldn’t be a surprise, since they have 700 sites here. Their system is probably overloaded at times. Donna walked down to the resort computer room to try that out and also find a more comfortable place to work. She still had connectivity issues, so she came back to the coach. This is a busy week for her as she has multiple deadlines.

I took the scooter out to run a couple of errands. I started by going to the RV dealer and checking more of the mechanical operations on the coach. We have a tentative deal – I put down a $1,000 deposit for them to hold the coach while I check everything over. The deal is contingent upon everything working correctly at the time of delivery. We’re making a list of things that need attention.

After I looked things over again, the sales representative I’m working with wanted to move the coach to their workshop, several miles east of the sales location. He suggested I follow him on the scooter, so I would know where it is when it’s ready for me to do a final walkthrough inspection. I thought this was great idea. By following the coach down the road, I could also watch for excessive smoke or any signs of blowby from the engine.

He hooked up a small vehicle (I think it was a Geo Tracker) to the back of the coach. This would be his transportation back to the sales lot. We headed east on Main Street. After a couple of miles, the traffic thinned out. I was surprised at how quickly he got the coach up to 50mph when leaving stop lights. Of course, the coach is unloaded, but it was pulling a car behind. This thing is a beast! I’m happy to report that all looked good going down the road. No smoke or any other issues were visible.

Side radiator, 5" tail pipe

The beast – Side radiator, 5″ tail pipe

From there, I stopped at AutoZone to buy cleaner/wax to clean our cargo trailer. It’s a little dirty and I would like to have it looking good when we leave here. Our new coach will have a fresh wash and wax job.

The Sun Life RV Resort is a 55+ active senior community. We’ve never stayed at a place like this before. They have a variety of activities planned each day. Yesterday they had a “Country Jam Session” on the calendar. This sounded interesting, so I walked down to the ballroom to check it out. They had a bunch of musicians playing – about a dozen guitarists (both acoustic and electric), two bass players, a drummer and a steel guitarist. It’s an open session and anyone can join in. There was a sizable audience – I’d estimate 80 to 100 people, many of them dancing. They were playing old country and western standards. Various singers took the mic. They all seemed to know the songs and didn’t step on each other’s toes. They sounded good and it looked like everyone was having fun. I think at 57, I was the youngest guy there!

Last night, we watched the final two episodes of Hostages. The ending was a little strange. Was this a one-season series or will they try to come up with a new twist next season?

Donna has plenty of work to complete over the next few days. I’ll try to stay out of her way and keep myself busy. I’m hoping the work on the coach will be completed by the end of the week. If I can make the final inspection on Friday, we can transfer our belongings and take delivery on Saturday. That would be the ideal schedule. But there’s always next week.

6 thoughts on “Following the Beast

  1. Bill Frahm

    The new coach sounds great, Mike. Good luck!

    I had to laugh at you thinking 38 was chilly. We were 52 degrees colder than that this morning! 38 sounds like swimming weather right now.

    Bill Frahm

    P.S. – When did I get old enough to have friends who hang out in 55+ senior communities???

  2. Lorna

    Your new rig looks like a sweet ride! We are a couple of years away from doing what you are doing now. We are retired but doing more European trips right now. Appreciate all the attention to detail in your blog. Keep moving and having fun!

    1. Mike Kuper Post author

      Thanks Lorna. Donna and I have done European trips and Hawaii. Now we’re exploring the rest of our country, chasing the sun. That doesn’t mean we won’t go abroad again in the future!

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