Chillin’ and Grillin’ in Portland

Yesterday’s weather was hot and muggy. The thermometer registered a high of 90 degrees. We ran the air conditioners all afternoon.

For some unknown reason, I had lower back pain yesterday. I was uncomfortable most of the day. I managed to get out and ride the scooter over to WalMart where I bought propane canisters for the Weber Q grill. I also bought DAP caulking for the kitchen sink and backsplash in the bathroom. The caulk had dried out and was cracking around the kitchen sink. This was allowing water to seep past any time water collected on the rim of the sink (while doing dishes or whatnot).

Likewise, the seam where the backsplash and countertop meet in the bathroom needed to be resealed. I used almond colored caulk in the kitchen to match the CorianĀ® countertop. In the bathroom I went with clear caulk. It took about one and half hours to complete the job. Most of that time was consumed in removing the old caulk and cleaning the area to prepare it for the new caulk.

Meanwhile, Donna went out for walk and scouted the bike route. She phoned me after 30 minutes or so to confirm her directions to loop back to the park. The roads around here can be confusing. They aren’t laid out in a straight grid and many roads have multiple names. Also, along the river many of the roads are dead ends.

I laid back and read most of the afternoon. My lower back hurt all day. I don’t what was up with that. My back feels fine this morning.

When Donna returned, she prepared a rack of lamb with a classic rosemary, thyme and garlic rub. She allowed it to marinate with a little olive oil in the refrigerator for about two hours before I grilled it. She served it with baked sweet potato and steamed green beans. Another delicious meal!

A colorful and delicious meal

A colorful and delicious meal

Donna is heading out for a bike ride this morning. We have another hot day ahead. The temperature is supposed to reach record territory in the lower 90s.