Squeaky Clean

It rained as predicted on Tuesday. The clouds pushed off to the east and it cleared up around 3pm. This was good since we were invited to an outdoor potluck dinner at 5pm.

Donna prepared chicken quinoa salad for the potluck. I dug into pasta, enchiladas and pizza while we met our neighbors. Most of them are snowbirds who return to Orangewood Shadows every winter. There are about 475 sites here and it seems like everyone knows each other. We were recognized as newcomers. It was interesting and a fun social evening.

Of course the rain undid the wash job I had done on the coach in Casa Grande. Yesterday I broke out the Werner telescoping multi-ladder and went to work cleaning the coach. I used the waterless washing liquid that our friends, Dave and Lynda Campbell, recommended. It’s called The Solution. I used it once before when we were in San Diego. It really works well. The first time I washed the coach with it, I used more than a quart to clean the coach. Lynda told me it shouldn’t take that much and over time I would use less. She was right.

I brushed the dust and dirt off the coach with a California Car Duster. Then I sprayed a fine mist of The Solution on sections of the coach and buffed it with a microfiber cloth. I did the entire coach, from the roof crown moldings to the bottom of the basement, including windows and wheels with about 1/2 quart of The Solution.

By the time I dressed the tires with 303 Aerospace Protectant, four hours had gone by and I was whipped. The coach looks great and there’s no rain expected any time soon. I’ll wait for a day or two before I wash the trailer.

Our home for the next seven weeks

Our home looking good

After cleaning up, I rode the scooter over to the Red, White and Brew on Power Road. This is one of my old favorite haunts. I stopped in on Monday after we set up and found my friends Leendert, Jodi and her sister Jackie there. Jodi’s husband, Mike, was under the weather and didn’t come out. Yesterday, none of the old crowd was there. I’ll need to get into the loop and figure out where they are on different days of the week. I know they go to Lucky Lou’s and maybe another place or two. Red, White and Brew is still my favorite though – good food, great beer selection and friendly service.

I unloaded Donna’s bike from the trailer yesterday and she went out for a short ride – her first ride in three weeks. We have good access to quiet roads with bike lanes. I think I’ll set up my mountain bike today and ride the canal trail. Maybe I’ll ride down on Main Street where all of the RV lots are and kick a few tires. I don’t have any intention of moving out of our Alpine Coach, but it’s fun to see what’s on the market.