Some Like It Hot

I mentioned the hot weather in Coeur d’Alene in my last post and I wasn’t kidding. The almanac shows we hit 100 degrees on Sunday, 97 on Monday and 95 is today’s forecast. Our usual MO is to leave Arizona by the end of March or mid-April at the latest and usually we’ll start moving north to cooler temperatures.

This year, we stayed at Viewpoint in Mesa, Arizona until the end of April. We moved to Springerville, Arizona hoping the higher elevation would bring cooler temperatures. It was cooler there than the metro Phoenix area, but still quite warm. Then we moved to Cortez, Colorado and once again were hit with warmer than usual temperatures.

We found relief from the heat most of the time in Mount Vernon in western Washington and the climate there has much more humidity than we’re used to. But, since leaving western Washington we’ve been in hot, dry weather. Last evening, some high clouds moved in the area – it made a great sunset. I haven’t posted a sunset picture in a while, so here it is.

Monday evening sunset

I was surprised to be woken at 4am by the sound of raindrops on the roof. It did’t rain hard and only lasted for about half an hour.

With the heat, I haven’t been very active – just mostly practicing social distance conversation via ham radio. Donna’s braved the heat with a couple of bicycle rides, but nothing too ambitious.

On Sunday, I had a great time on the 20-meter band. I made a couple of contacts that were unbelievable. I talked to a guy named Joan (he pronounced it John) in Catalonia, Spain – about 60 miles north of Barcelona. He lives out in the country near the border with France. He’s been a ham radio operator since he was 10 years old – I think he’s in his 40s now. He has an elaborate radio set up with an unbelievable array of antennas. He likes to make contact with operators in North America and Russia. He speaks excellent English and I assume he speaks Russian as well.

The other really interesting contact was with a guy in Slovenia. His name is Janez and he lives in Vhrnika, Slovenia. Slovenia is in Europe – it’s bordered to the south by Croatia, Italy is on the western border and Austria is north. He makes contacts all over the world and entering contests for the number of countries contacted is his hobby. He speaks good English. Here’s a link to his webpage.

I think I was able to make these long distance contacts for a couple of reasons. First, conditions for propagation of High Frequency (HF) signals were very good on Sunday. My signal bounced from the upper atmosphere back to earth at least twice to reach Vhrinka – over 5,300 miles away from Coeur d’Alene. More importantly, these guys had powerful systems with excellent antennas. They could blast out a strong signal for me to receive and their systems were sensitive enough to lock in my weaker signal and hear me fine. Ham radio contacts are a lot of fun and perfectly safe in this pandemic environment.

Yesterday, I tried two HF bands – 20 meters and 40 meters. I had a lot of noise on 20. Although I did pick up a signal from Hawaii, mostly the reception had interference. On 40 meters, I had no luck at all. I’m not sure how much of it was due to atmospheric conditions or if it was interference from some electronic device here at the Elk’s Lodge.

Saturday morning we hit the farmers’ market again. It was a little more crowded than last time and Donna found some good buys on fresh produce. She found leeks and fennel for dishes she wanted to make and also found some of the freshest celery she’s ever seen. After we came home, she decided that she needed to go back to get some mushrooms. We saw a vendor with fresh mushrooms – picked the night before. Donna walked back to the market – it’s about half a mile from here – and bought a pint of pearl oyster mushrooms.

Pearl oyster mushrooms

She made a chicken dish with leeks and mushrooms in a cream sauce. It was excellent!

Chicken with black rice and broccoli on the side

She prepared another very tasty meal on Sunday – shrimp with feta and fennel over riced cauliflower. She used a package of shelf-stable riced cauliflower from Costco and honestly I couldn’t find much difference from the cauliflower rice she prepares with fresh cauliflower.

Shrimp with feta and fennel

Yesterday, I gave Midget-San the spa treatment. I cleaned the exterior with Meguiar’s waterless spray cleaner, then applied Mother’s CMX ceramic coating. I also cleaned the interior with a vinyl and leather cleaner and treated it with Armorall.

This afternoon I plan to sit in the shade and play on the radio – it’ll be too hot to do much else. I know 95 degrees doesn’t get much sympathy from my friends in the Phoenix area, but it’s still hot! Donna’s out for a bike ride as I type this – I expect to see her soon. The temperature should drop to a more reasonable 80 degrees or so by the end of the week. We’ll extend our stay here for another week.

*Just so you know, if you use this link to shop on Amazon and decide to purchase anything, you pay the same price as usual and  I’ll earn a few pennies for the referral. It’ll go into the beer fund. Thanks!